Wind Turbine Project Completed
Shetland Wind Power has successfully completed the installation of our Westwind 20kw wind turbine.
Albeit, at the time of writing, we still await Scottish & Southern Energy to provide the required grid connection. Hopefully, the wind turbine will be fully operational by the end of August.
Ceilidh Dance
The Hall Committee is holding a fund raising Ceilidh Dance on Saturday 1 October 2011 at 8.00pm. Music will be provided by the Liz Mackenzie Band. Don’t miss out on this great event! Tickets cost £5.00 which includes a light supper. Get yours by telephoning 01847 851736 or 01847 851969.
Hall In Wider Community Role
Mey Hall is now being used as the venue for a wide range of community engaging events. In recent months it has hosted a local Community Council meeting. And, an exhibition of MeyGen’s 400MW tidal energy project in the Inner Sound, between the mainland and Stroma.
Mey Market Extended
Due to it’s massive popularity the Mey Market is to be extended through to Tuesday 20 September. It will also be open on 11 & 25 October and 8 & 22 November. Last but not least, there will be an Xmas market on 4 December.
The Mey Market has been so successful it has been nominated for a Highland & Islands Pride Award.
There is also to be a ‘Mey Market On Tour’ next year with Latheron, Halkirk and Bettyhill as possible venues. Any local producer wishing to take a stall should contact Jane Strugnell on 01955 611739, for further information.
Mey Village Hall is managed by Mey Village Hall Trust
Registered Scottish Charity Number SC024554